суббота, 24 июля 2010 г.

Structure lamp

This is lamp. Its structure is based on a city street pattern. It has a bionic form. Lamp provides shadows, which have the structure of city streets.

Vase London

This vase is besed on a map of London. It is only a prototype. It can be made of porcelain.

Vase London

понедельник, 19 июля 2010 г.


We created a big pattern which is based on city map of London

Map & Patterns

We decided to start invistigation about maps and look deeper. How we can apply maps? Can we convert a map into a pattern?

This structure is based on a city map of Madrid

This one metro map is based on a metro map of Copengagen

This structure is based on a metro map of Moscow.

So we can use different kinds of maps (city map, metro map, different regions map) to creat a new pattern.